Everything you ever wanted to know about

The Pennsic 46 School of (European) Dance

and then some.
Come one, come all, and join with your friends to once again dance the days and nights away at the Pennsic War! We have many classes to sharpen your skills, and many balls to show them off at! Make new friends, learn a new dance or twelve, and most of all, have fun.


The Dean of Pennsic 46 Dance will be Dutchess Thyra Eiriksdottir.


  • Pavilion Coordinators - Lord Hamish McPhersone and Lady Helena Hrolfsdottir
  • Deputy Floor Coordinator - Baroness Serafina Alamanni
  • Dance Schedule Coordinator - Lord Wilhelm of Northpass
  • Music Coordinator - Lord Aaron Drummond
  • Publicity Coordinator: Lady Lorita de Siena
  • Minister of Dance Mischief and Merriment - Lord Ari Thorbrandsson
  • Dance Web Minister - Gregory Blount


The class list is the same as the list in Thing... with updates noted as they appear: 16 new classes, 6 moved classes, 1 changed class title.

Revels and Special Events in the Dance Tent

Mailing List / Information Sources

Updates and announcements about this year's Pennsic School of European Dance are being posted to our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/PennsicDance) as well as by email. If you would like to receive email updates, please send an email request to the Dean at pennsic.eurodance@gmail.com.

Ball Details


Please heed the words of Aaron, our fearless bandleader: I'm looking forward to seeing many of you at Pennsic! There will be lots of opportunities to play for dancers. Some more information:

Extra info

Previous Years

Check out the archive of previous Pennsic dance info.


Check out the archive of documents related to Dance at Pennsic. Not ISO-9001 compliant, but close enough for the SCA.

Webbed by Gregory Blount of Isenfir (Greg Lindahl)