Everything you ever wanted to know about

The Pennsic 47 School of (European) Dance

and then some.
Come one, come all, and join with your friends to once again dance the days and nights away at the Pennsic War! We have many classes to sharpen your skills, and many balls to show them off at! Make new friends, learn a new dance or twelve, and most of all, have fun.


The Dean of Pennsic 47 Dance will be Dutchess Thyra Eiriksdottir.


  • Daily Pavilion Coordinators: Lord Hamish McPhersone and Countess Judith of Northumbria
  • Schedule Coordinator: Lord Wilhelm of Northpass
  • Music Coordinator: Master Aaron Drummond (recently not pregnant)
    • Deputy Music Coordinator: Master Albrecht Catsprey (not recently pregnant)
  • Web Minister: Master Gregory Blount
  • Publicity Coordinator: Lady Lorita de Sienna
  • Ministers of Mischief & Merriment: Lord Ari Thorbrandsson and Lady Jane Milford


The list of dance classes for Pennsic 47 is now available!

The full class list is available on Thing. The deadline for submitting classes was May 1st, but there are a few open slots still left, or you can contact Thyra to volunteer as a substitute teacher.

Revels and Socials

This year's theme is Beasts & Birds! Whether you prefer to dance Tesara with Tygers, or Dargason with Dragons, come join in the fun! We are planning balls, revels, merriments, and socials throughout the war. Check the main schedule in the dance tent for updates. There will also be the annual faculty social for all staff, teachers, revel hosts, musicians and dancers. Come meet your fellows over refreshments, and get to know the people who make dance happen at Pennsic.

Ball Schedule

  • Thursday, Aug 2, 9:00pm-midnight, English Revel hosted by Henry of Maldon
  • Friday, Aug 3, 9:00pm-midnight, Flamingo Ball hosted by Flamingo Bluff
  • Saturday, Aug 4, 9:00pm-midnight, Early Bird Ball hosted by Baroness Gwenllyen the Minstrel and THL Siri Toivosdotter
  • Sunday, Aug 5, 8:00pm-11:00pm, Beginner's Ball hosted by Master Philip White and Master Albrecht (Avatar) Catsprey (@Great Hall)
  • Monday, Aug 6, 9:00pm-midnight, Choral Ball hosted by Master James Blackcloak and THL Siri Toivosdottir
  • Tuesday, Aug 7, 9:00 pm-midnight, Feast of the Phoenix Ball hosted by Countess Judith of Northumbria (Music: Istanpitta)
  • Wednesday, Aug 8, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Dancing at the Casa (@Casa Bardicci) (Music: Ensemble Tramontana)
  • Thursday, Aug 9, 9:00am-11:00am, Children's Revel hosted by Lord Wilhelm of Northpass
  • also Thursday, 9:00 pm-midnight, Dance Games Night hosted by Master Gregory Blount

Musicians and Music

Greetings to all those inspired to play music for dancing! There are many opportunities to play music for dancers at Pennsic. Musicians are needed and welcome to play most nights at the European Dance Tent in Pennsic University. During the day, many dance class teachers also welcome musicians to play for their classes. Music is provided. All skill levels of musicians and all acoustic instruments (period or modern) are welcome. Stop by the European Dance Tent for more information, including a schedule of activities that welcome dance musicians!

The 2018 Pile is what we will be playing for most of the time. There is also some additional music for the Choral Ball, and additional music for the English Revel.

Ball Set-Lists

  • English Revel
    • Musicans, please note the special music
    • Quadran Pavan, Turkeyloney, Earl of Essex, Tinternell, Old Almain, Queen's Almain, Madame Cecilia Almain, Black Almain, A galliard (musician's choice), New Yer, Ly Bens Dystonys (short version), Grene Gynger, The Beginning of the World, Black Nag, Chestnut, Dull Sir John, Faine I Would, Goddesses, Gathering Peascods, Half Hannikin, Hearts Ease, If all the World Were Paper, Jack Pudding, Jenny Pluck Pears, The Jumbling of Joan (to the tune of The Jumbling of Harry), Lord of Carnarvons Jig, Merry Merry Milkmaids (or, the Milking Pail), New Bo-Peep, Newcastle, Nonesuch, Parsons Farewell, Picking of Sticks, Rufty Tufty, Scotch Cap, Upon a Summers Day, Whirligig.
  • Flamingo Ball
    • Flamingos with Dignity: Ballo del Pesce (to Ballo del Fiore), Black Alman, Gracca Amorosa, Jenny Pluck Pears, Lord of Carnarvan’s Jigg
    • Flamingos strut their feathers: Gelosia, Hit & Miss (to Daphne), Amoroso, Dull Sir John, Rostiboli Gioioso
    • Flamingos Flock & Flock & Flock: Gathering Peascods, Hyde Park, Official Bransle, Armynn, Chirantana
    • Flamingos Forever: Goddesses, Giove/Jupiter, Montarde Bransle, Ly Bens, Petit Riens
  • Early Bird Ball
    • Horse Set: Black Nag, Horses Bransle, Bella Gioiosa, Hyde Park
    • Indecisive Set: Dargason, Petite Rose, Old Mole, Black Alman
    • The Bird Set: Dove’s Figary/Chestnut, Montarde Bransle (bird motions), Galliard La Canarie, Rufty Tufty
    • Fox Hunts the Squirrel Set: Contrapasso Chigi, Goddesses, Hunting of the Squirrel, Trenchmore/Tomorrow the Fox will Come
  • Beginners' Ball
    • Amoroso, Anello, Belfiore, Black Alman, Black Nag, Contrapasso in due, Gathering Peasecods, Gelosia, Heart's Ease, Horse Bransle, Jenny Pluck Pears, Lorayne Alman, Ly Bens Distonys, Maltese Bransle, New Boe Peep?, Official Bransle, Pease Bransle, Petit Vriens, Queen's Alman, Rostiboli Gioioso, Rufty Tufty, Sellenger's Round, Washerwoman's Bransle
  • Choral Ball
    • Musicans, please note the special music for the Choral Ball, including some familiar tunes in unfamiliar keys.
    • Belle Qui Tiens Pavane, Belle Qui Tiens Galliard, Heart's Ease, Upon a Summer's Day, Filles a Marier, Goddesses, Cuckolds all a Row, Queen's Almain, Friar and the Nun, Vita Di Cholino, Chestnut, Newcastle, Galliard (A Lieta Vita), Sellenger's Round, Black Almain, Up Tails All, Piva, Hyde Park, Glory of the West, If All the World Were Paper, Trenchmore
  • Feast of the Phoenix
    • Set I: Sword Dance performance (music for Anello), Petits Vriens, Lauro*, Saltarello, Chirintana*, Fia Guilemina a quattro , Amoroso*, Marchesana*, Danse de Cleves, Saltarello, Belfiore, Orynge*, Piva*
    • Set II: Tesara performance, Rostiboli Gioioso, Fia Guilemina a due, Grene Gynger*, Gelosia, Pelligrina*, Saltarello, Lybens*, Pizochara, Piva, Vito di Colino, Petits Vriens
  • Dancing at the Casa
    • Rostiboli, Petit Rose, Gelosia, Vita di Cholino
    • Cupido /or other 24 measures worth x2, Piva, Gratioso, Pinzochara, Petit Rien
    • Figlia di Guglielmino, Voltate in Ca Rosina, Amoroso, Anello, Salti
    • Lauro/or other, Colonnese, Marchasana, Belfiore, Chirintana

Extra info

Previous Years

Check out the archive of previous Pennsic dance info.


Check out the archive of documents related to Dance at Pennsic. Not ISO-9001 compliant, but close enough for the SCA.

Webbed by Gregory Blount of Isenfir (Greg Lindahl)