Everything you ever wanted to know about

The Pennsic 48 School of (European) Dance

and then some.
Come one, come all, and join with your friends to once again dance the days and nights away at the Pennsic War! We have many classes to sharpen your skills, and many balls to show them off at! Make new friends, learn a new dance or twelve, and most of all, have fun!


The Dean of Pennsic 48 Dance will be Master Gregory Blount.


  • Drop Dead: Countess Judith of Northumbria
  • Floor and Trailer: Domingo Alcaçar and Lord Richard de Troyes
  • Schedule Coordinator: Lord Wilhelm of Northpass
  • Music Coordinator: Master Albrecht Catsprey
  • Daily Pavilion Coordinators: Lord Hamish McPhersone
  • Publicity Coordinator: Lady Lorita de Sienna
  • Ministers of Mischief & Merriment: Lady Sarah le Payller and Lord Ari Thorbrandsson
  • Web Minister: the aforesaid Gregory Blount


The list of dance classes for Pennsic 48 is now available!

The full class list is available on Thing. The deadline for submitting classes was May 1st, but there are a few open slots still left, or you can contact Gregory to volunteer as a substitute teacher.

Revels and Socials

Musicians and Music

Greetings to all those inspired to play music for dancing! There are many opportunities to play music for dancers at Pennsic. Musicians are needed and welcome to play most nights at the European Dance Tent in Pennsic University. During the day, many dance class teachers also welcome musicians to play for their classes. We will be handing out printed copies of the sheet music at the War! All skill levels of musicians and all acoustic instruments (period or modern) are welcome. Stop by the European Dance Tent for more information, including a schedule of activities that welcome dance musicians!

The 2019 Pennsic Pile (revision E), updated and much larger than last year's, is now available. For those of you who only read C Clef, there's also a special C Clef Edition (note: revision B.) You might find Aaron's Fakebook useful. Here's the music for the Choral Ball, supplemental music for the English Revel, and additional music for the Early Bird Ball. Finally, there's a document with advice for Pennsic European dance musicians.

The balls that are "closed pit" i.e. not a pick-up band are the evening Feast of the Phoenix, and the daytime Italian Picnic and Dancing at Casa Bardicci.

Ball Set Lists


Updated information will appear on this webpage, on our Facebook page, or you can email the Dean to request email updates.

Extra info

Previous Years

Check out the archive of previous Pennsic dance info.


Check out the archive of documents related to Dance at Pennsic. Not ISO-9001 compliant, but close enough for the SCA.

Webbed by Gregory Blount of Isenfir (Greg Lindahl)