Advice for Pennsic Dance Musicians

Greetings Musicians who are interested in supporting Pennsic European dance! You are an essential part of making historical dance a reality at Pennsic, and your participation is most appreciated and desired. This page is set up mostly for new Pennsic musicians interested in supporting European dance and as a reminder of Pennsic veterans on what the operating procedures are for dance support.

So here are a few things that are critical to know in order to support dance in open pits with live music. (The term "open pit" refers to a musicians' pit that is open to all who meet the requirements below. A "closed pit" refers to a pre-coordinated set of musicians or fixed ensemble)

Sheet Music

Musician Requirements

Essential Musician equipment to bring to support European dance

Things to keep in mind while you are supporting

Modern instruments welcome in open pits

Mind you not everyone that comes to Pennsic can afford (yet) expensive historical instrument reproductions, so here is an incomplete list of modern acoustic instruments that work well in open pits. I left out band instruments that do not read in concert pitch, as our sheet music is on available in concert pitch.

But what instruments are considered historical you may wonder?

So for the curious, here is a common list of instruments that you may see at some of the open pits: I left out the "one volume knob set to 11" historical instruments as they typically do not play nice with others: If you have any questions please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to help.

Your humble (well, partially humble) servant

Master Albrecht Catsprey (Albert Cofrin)
acofrin zat gmail zot com

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