Everything you ever wanted to know about

The Pennsic 43 School of (European) Dance

and then some.


This is the archived copy of Pennsic 43 information. For this year, please see Dance at Pennsic, or perhaps you might want to see an archive of previous Pennsic dance info.


Greetings! The Pennsic 43 School of European Dance is already shaping up to be a fantastic year! I would like to thank everyone who has volunteered to serve as a staff member or to host a dance activity. Class registration should begin soon, but in the meantime, if you have any suggestions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at pennsic.eurodance@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing you in a few short months!

THL Margherita Battistina, Dean of the Pennsic School of Dance


  • Dean of Pennsic School of Dance: THL Margherita Battistina (Margaret Roe)
  • Deputies:
    • Dance Pavilion Floor Coordinator: the aforesaid THL Margherita Battistina (Margaret Roe)
      • Deputy Floor Coordinator: Baroness Serafina Alamanni
    • Daily Dance Pavilion Coordinators (Stewards): Lord Maurin Lessault & THL James Blackcloak
    • Schedule Coordinator: Lord Wilhelm of Northpass
    • Minister of Dance Mischief and Merriment: Mistress Felice Debbage
    • Music Coordinator: Lord Aaron "I'm pregnant!!" Drummond​
      • Deputy Music Coordinator: Lady Meg "I'm NOT pregnant!!" Raynsford
    • Publicity Coordinator: Master Lorenzo "... also not pregnant" Petrucci
    • Dance Pavilion Photographer: Lady Betryse Aaradyn Ghyoot
    • Dance Pavilion Correspondent: Lady Lorita de Siena
    • Web Minister: Master Gregory "Trouble" Blount

Class List and Class Table

Revels & Other European Dance Activities

This year, the Pennsic School of European Dance will be offering more than a dozen dance revels and other activities! Full details about these activities are available on the revels page, and the tentative schedule is as follows:


Pennsic attracts many of the finest musicians in the Known World, to whom we dancers are ever grateful! Lord Aaron Drummond and Lady Meg Raynsford will be managing the Dance Pavilion’s sheet music (the Pennsic Pile) and the wondrous musical personnel. There will be lots of opportunities for musicians to play this year. If you would like more information about these opportunities, please email our Music Coordinators at pile@thedancingmaster.net

Mailing List

Updates and announcements about this year's Pennsic School of European Dance are being posted to both our mailing list and our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/PennsicDance). Our mailing list subscription details and archive are available on this spiffy webpage.

Extra info

Previous Years

Check out the archive of previous Pennsic dance info.


Check out the archive of documents related to Dance at Pennsic. Not ISO-9001 compliant, but close enough for the SCA.

Webbed by Gregory Blount of Isenfir (Greg Lindahl)